Assessment & Analysis Services




Call 510-704-8514


Why Data-on-Demand?

Save time and effort

  • No shipping, tracking, data entry, or configuring needed
  • Administer questionnaires your way

Keep data secure and private

  • Data stored online in your private account
  • Secure access to account (Transport Layer Security and password protection)
  • User data is backed up daily

Ready access to data

  • Responses are analyzed automatically when questionnaires are completed.
  • Download responses and nutrient estimates individually or in batches
  • Print nutrient intake reports for subjects, individually
    or in batches
  • Easily track who has completed the questionnaire
  • Obtain early access to trends in the results


NutritionQuest's Data-on-Demand is a turn-key system, which provides an online structure for integrated data collection, nutrient and physical activity analysis, and data management. Questionnaires can be administered, the data stored, and nutrition or physical activity estimates calculated. And you have instant, secure, 24-7 access to all the data as the study proceeds.

Our electronic questionnaires ensure greater accuracy by preventing skipped questions and by storing data after every response. Both administration time and respondent burden are minimized through extensive, logical question branching.

Administer questionnaires your way.

Using Data-on-Demand, questionnaires can be administered via:

Choose from a variety of questionnaires and options.