Assessment & Analysis Services




Call 510-704-8514

Pricing and Ordering

Samples, Comparisons and Quotes

For samples of scannable paper-and-pencil questionnaires or to arrange a free online demonstration of the Data-on-Demand System using a Block questionnaire or screener Contact Us. Price quotes and comparisons are available upon request.

Paper-and-Pencil Format Ordering

Scannable paper-and-pencil questionnaire and screener forms are purchased from NutritionQuest, administered to study subjects, and then returned to our office for processing, which includes electronic scanning, computer analysis and editing of scanned data.

Questionnaire/screener forms may be purchased in any quantity. Portion-size pictures are provided for use with food frequency questionnaires, to assist subjects in making accurate description of food quantities.

Instructions for preparing and shipping questionnaires for processing are contained in the Processing Checklist form. Please return a completed copy of this form with each batch of questionnaires or screeners submitted for processing. If you are submitting paper questionnaire/screener forms in a batch of less than 20, please contact us for pricing.

Results of analysis are returned to the researcher in the form of electronic files, along with completed questionnaires. To obtain more information about file format and content, please contact us. For selected FFQs, researchers can obtain an additional electronic file containing formatted individual nutrition reports to share with subjects.

Quality Requirements

Questionnaires must be completed in soft-leaded pencil (No. 2). Responses filled out in ink are treated by our electronic scanner as though they are "missing."

Respondent identification (ID) numbers are used as the primary identifier on data records returned to you. Each questionnaire needs a unique respondent identification number in order to associate a given respondent's questionnaire booklet with their data record.

Delivery Time

Three weeks is our standard turn-around time for return of results.

Rush Service (one week)

To guarantee that your questionnaires/screeners are processed and results returned to you within one week, you will be required to pay a rush service fee: $100 (flat rate) for batches of 1 to 50 questionnaire/screener forms; $2 per questionnaire/screener form for batches of 51 or more.


UPS Ground Service is our normal shipping method. Expedited service—3-day or 2-day—is available on request and provided at cost.


Charged at 10% of shipping cost. Minimum of $5 per shipment.

Electronic Format Ordering

NutritionQuest's Data-on-Demand System is an online integrated system for data collection, nutrient and physical activity analysis, and data management.

Setting up an online account

To begin the process of setting up an online account, please contact us to discuss the requirements of your project, including which questionnaire or screener you plan to use, how many subjects are anticipated, how many times the survey instrument will be administered to each subject, and the duration of data collection period (i.e. number of months the account is to be maintained for active data collection and analysis). If you decide you would like to take advantage of using an application in offline mode, we will prepare a licensing agreement to specify the terms of use.

In setting up your online account, NutritionQuest will provide an Internet address (URL) for accessing the survey instrument. If subjects are to self-administer the questionnaire/screener, you will need to provide them with login information. Then subjects can go online, login and complete the questionnaire/ screener at their convenience. Results are available almost immediately because the analysis program is operating simultaneously. For most FFQs, you have the option of sharing a printable report with subjects upon their online completion of questionnaire/screener.

NutritionQuest will also provide you with a separate URL to use in administering the online account. When you login to the "Group Admin" web page of your account, you will be able to do things like add user accounts and/or modify user login information, view user accounts to determine whether questionnaires have been completed, enter and resume any incomplete questionnaires, and download results.

Cost for an online account

There are three types of fees involved in establishing an online account and using it for data collection, analysis and management. These include:

Price Schedule for Block Questionnaires and Screeners in Paper-and-Pencil Format. Prices on this page are valid through the end of 2025.

If you expect data collection and analysis to last longer than one year, please let us know so that we can adjust the estimate to account for price increases in subsequent years. We will increment estimated rates at 5% per year after the first year of the study. To facilitate grant management and have a single known rate over the years of the study, the yearly rate we will equal the average over the multi-year study. Also please let us know if you are just now submitting an NIH application, as funding and IRB approval may delay the start of your data collection by as much as two years.

Below are prices for purchase and processing of scannable questionnaire/screener forms. These may be purchased in any quantity; purchases are non-returnable and non-refundable. Shipping and handling charges for purchase of forms and return of forms after processing is extra.

Pricing for processing of FFQs is based on batch size: 20 to 99; 100 to 499; and 500 or more. If you are sending a batch of fewer than 20 questionnaires/screeners for processing, please call for pricing.

See Sample Nutrition Report: For most FFQs, researchers can obtain an additional electronic file (pdf) containing formatted individual nutrition reports to share with subjects. Generating this file adds $0.50 per respondent to cost of processing.

Food Frequency Questionnaires for Adults

Food Screeners for Adults

Food Frequency Questionnaires and Screeners for Children and Adolescents

Physical Activity Surveys and Screeners

Pricing for Use of Block Tools in Electronic Format

Electronic versions of Block questionnaires and screeners are delivered via the Data-on-Demand System, an online integrated system for data collection, nutrient and physical activity analysis, and data management.

If your research project or clinical program has specific data collection and management needs - e.g. multiple administrations of a questionnaire to a given population or administration of multiple questionnaires/ screeners - please contact us to discuss how best to structure your account set-up and fees. Contact us.

If you expect data collection and analysis to last longer than one year, please let us know so that we can adjust the estimate to account for price increases in subsequent years. We will increment estimated rates at 5% per year after the first year of the study. To facilitate grant management and have a single known rate over the years of the study, the yearly rate will equal the average over the multi-year study. Also please let us know if you are just now submitting an NIH application, as funding and IRB approval may delay the start of your data collection by as much as two years. For studies that go on beyond the originally estimated time period, we will continue to increment costs yearly, so please consider this in your planning.

FFQs and Surveys for Adults, Children and Adolescents

Screeners for Adults, Children and Adolescents