Alive! for Individuals Take the Alive! tour.


Does the Complete Nutrition Questionnaire work?

  • Widely used by research groups around the country
  • Validity has been tested in numerous scientific studies
  • Found to be comparable to a detailed food record for identifying people with high fat or low nutrient intake

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Free Assessment Tools for Individuals

Want to improve your eating habits and nutrition? The first step is to find out how you're doing now. You are invited to try NutritionQuest's self-analysis assessment tools, and see how you're doing. Several take only five minutes--and most are free!

Alive! Diet and Physical Activity Analysis Screener – COMING SOON!

Get a taste of the Alive! program for individuals with this free assessment. Take 10 minutes to get a quick look at your overall health and nutrition status.

Ready to jump into the full Alive! program? It's quick, easy, and inexpensive to get started and stay motivated. Learn more about Alive! Individual Plans.

Fruit and Vegetable Screener – Take Now!

Experts recommend we all eat five servings of fruits and vegetables every day to reduce the risk of cancer and heart disease. See how you're doing. Takes 5 minutes.

Fat Intake Screener – Take Now!

The average American consumes more fat than is recommended for a long and healthy life. Maybe you're doing better than that! Learn how you measure up. Takes 5 minutes.

Complete Nutrition Questionnaire for Individuals

Are you getting too much saturated fat in your diet? Not getting enough vitamin E or vitamin C. Studies conducted by The Centers for Disease Control and the U.S. Department of Agriculture have found that most North Americans do not meet the recommendations in the USDA Food Guide Pyramid. As a result, many men and women are not getting enough zinc, calcium, antioxidants and other essential nutrients. NutritionQuest's Complete Nutrition Questionnaire provides all of the information you need to make the right choices about your diet. This is the same questionnaire used in numerous research studies, and the same questionnaire used by NASA to assess the nutritional intake of U.S. astronauts. COMING SOON FOR INDIVIDUALS.